
Nutritional Contents of the “King of Fruits”

Durian is fondly known as the “king of fruits” noting its thorny exterior which resembles the crown. Here in Singapore, the recently concluded Durian Mobilisation event was attended by more than 350 fans on July 27, 2014.


The event was organized by Singapore Kindness Movement and Dr Leslie Tay, a popular food blogger. Two varieties of durian were served during that day – D24 and Mao Shan Wang. You consume durian without thinking of its nutritional contents. You have to be familiar of its nutritional contents. Here are some:


  • Rich in minerals and vitamins: Durians are rich in minerals and vitamins. It is an excellent source of riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin and thiamine among others. Apart from that, durians also contain amino acids.
  • Replenish energy: Durians are comprised of simple sugars (like sucrose and fructose). If you eat it, it will surely replenish your energy which will eventually invigorate the body.
  • Rich in fibre: If you have problems with constipation, durian is the answer. Durian can act as a laxative for it contains dietary fibre.

The next time you are presented with durian, you know its nutritional contents. Durian is something that you should share. There are a lot of durians here in Singapore that you can purchase so do not worry. You have to be careful though. Too much of durian can cause discomfort. You only have to consume what you can eat if you do not want any complications.

If you really love durian, you only need to look for products where durian is added. Apart from that, restaurants here offer different dishes with durian flavour. Life is tastier with durian around.


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